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Misinformation in Pediatric Sleep Health: A Call to Action for Medical Professionals
Navigating the maze of advice on children's sleep can be overwhelming for parents. With conflicting opinions from multiple sources, it can be difficult to determine the best approach for peaceful nights. This blog post highlights the importance of evidence-based sleep health professionals, providing clarity and direction amidst to the noise.
Why Parents Deserve Evidence-Based Sleep Health Professionals for Their Children's Sleep Needs
Navigating the maze of advice on children's sleep can be overwhelming for parents. With conflicting opinions from multiple sources, it can be difficult to determine the best approach for peaceful nights. This blog post highlights the importance of evidence-based sleep health professionals, providing clarity and direction amidst to the noise.
Can toddlers have insomnia?
Yes. They most definitely can. What does insomnia in a toddler look like? Insomnia in a toddler can look like a child who has one or more of the following
Setting the mood for sleep - Does it really matt
When it comes to almost any activity, there are things we have to do to prepare before embarking on that activity. We warm-up before working out, we study for tests before taking them and we buy all the ingredients before making our favorite meal.
Starting tonight, here are 3 steps you can take to address your child's sleep debt
Sleep is a basic human need, like breathing and eating. I think my husband would agree that sleep is at a premium in our home!
How I stopped losing sleep over mom guilt
One of the hardest things I had to do was leave my first born when he was four months old to return to work. Working overnight to resuscitate and care for other babies was hard knowing my baby was still not sleeping through the night and would be looking for me when he woke up.